What are the Recommendations for Safe Outdoor Training?

Sam ParhamFitness, WFPF SpeaksLeave a Comment

Outdoor Parkour training is always relevant to the practice of parkour.  That is why WFPF is republishing this important article which was previously published in 2020:

After the Corona Virus affected every nation of the world, almost all public places were closed. Some of the most affected places were eateries, bars and gyms. Towards the end of 2020, the rules were relaxed and the once totally locked places were open again. Today, people still fear to visit gyms because of the possibility of infection.

As a result, most people opt for outdoor training. Outdoor exercises can be vigorous and that’s why you need to consume a diet for strong bones before you decide to begin outdoor exercises. The following tips will help train safely.

Learn a new exercise  

People are always learning something new whether it is at their workplace, school, home or when working out. People are mostly used to traditional outdoor workouts like jogging, running, cycling and walking. But there is always some new exercise you can choose like learning Parkour.

Parkour is a recommended exercise for both young and older adults. This free-running sport is fun and involves activities like climbing, jumping, and swinging while avoiding obstacles.

Research has shown that incorporating different types of exercises has a positive effect on health in different ways. It helps our bodies to build a balanced exercise of every body part including the internal organs like the heart and brain.

Avoid crowds

Traditionally, gyms can accommodate more than twenty people in a small room which increases the chances of contracting the Corona Virus. According to research, contaminated droplets can remain in the air for up to three hours which makes it possible to infect more people several hours after an infected person coughs or breathes out heavily.

Another research was done to study the level of transmission in a crowded place. A gym with a capacity of between 5 to 20 people was picked. It was noted that as people exercised in a gym, they breathed faster and harder, thereby saturating the air with droplets.

According to Dr. Anne Liu from Stanford Health Care, the most infectious phase is a day before the symptoms appear and several days after they appear. If an asymptomatic person visited the outdoor gym, they would spread the virus without their knowledge. Even when training outdoors, you must always avoid crowding.

Avoid bad weather 

Bad weather increases the chance of falling and injury. If the weather conditions are not favorable, avoid training until the weather clears. Probably you will not be able to do your press-ups or jogs when you are soaked in the rain or when the snow is three inches thick. The best time for outdoor exercise is during spring and summer when the weather is more favorable.

According to the Medical College of Wisconsin, cold weather slows your body’s metabolism and you might need a greater amount of energy to stir your body up. Unless you want to do skiing or other snow sports, you should avoid bad/cold weather.

You can also lose direction if the weather is foggy and you cannot see clearly. There is also a higher risk of being hit by a motorist during bad weather and also the risk of falling sick. When it’s very cold, you might want to dress in heavy clothes which can hinder you from freely exercising.

Be visible 

When exercising alone or in a group, always ensure you are visible either to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. If you leave the house early or late in the evening, ensure you have a reflector jacket/vest. It can help save your life.

If you choose cycling as your exercise, ensure you have a reflective helmet or the riding gear has reflective stripes. One of the reasons why most cyclists or pedestrians get hit at night or early morning is because the motorist was not seeing them clearly.

Ensure you can be reached

To be reached means someone can give an account of where you are and how long you might be away exercising. Ensure you have a working telephone with you so that if anyone wants to reach you, they can do so with ease. On the other hand, you may want to call someone for help in case you get into an emergency.

You can also alert someone that you have gone outdoors for exercise and your possible return. If for any reason, you get delayed and you take long to return, the person you informed will be able to take a step. You can go off the trails and fall into a ditch or be mauled by wild dogs or another kind of animal.

Talk to your doctor 

Outdoor training sometimes can be vigorous and if you have a health problem, you can develop more complications. It is recommended you talk to your doctor before you begin exercising because it can help save your life. Your doctor will recommend the best exercises fit for your body’s resilience.

According to Dr. Neel P Chokshi of Penn Medicine, everyone should make a habit to consult their doctor before they start on an exercise. Dr. Chokshi continues to say that the theory behind this recommendation is because exercise can be moderate to vigorous, which can cause heart complications.

Keep your tone low

In the gym, the trainer keeps shouting so that he or she can be audible enough to the trainees. As the trainer raises his or her voice, they release droplets from their mouth at a high velocity meaning they can travel a longer distance.

If a person exercising was about three meters away from the next person, they will likely become infected if the person shouting was infected. According to BBC news, shouting and singing can contribute to the spread of coronavirus. In the outdoor gym, the participants should keep their voice as low as possible.

Keeping your tone low is not just beneficial to you, but as a good neighbor, you should not disturb the peace of your neighbors by shouting loud outside or by using loud music when exercising.

Understand the geography of the land

If you are new in the area you are exercising, ensure you understand the roads and paths of the area. It will help not to get lost during the exercise. If you are not sure of the geography of the area, you can bring along a working compass with you.

Before you start, mark the direction of your home and notice the direction you have followed. If you get lost, use the compass to trace your way back home safely. Another benefit of understanding the area well is to help you avoid dangerous spots and ensure your maximum safety.


Outdoor training is recommended, especially with the COVID challenges. However, various safety challenges can accompany outdoor training. It is always important to observe safety precautions when training outdoors so that you keep healthy, avoid injury or getting lost. Greater safety precautions should be taken when training in a group because you are more exposed than when training alone.

Author bio:
Tiffany Harper is a freelance writer working with Assignment Masters and Easy Essay as a subject-matter expert, blogger and social media content creator. She likes writing and providing excellent value for money to customers that include large consulting firms like online essay help. During her free time, she spends time jogging or doing yoga in the local park.
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