How Parkour Can Help Troubled Youth

Sam ParhamWFPF SpeaksLeave a Comment

{A note from WFPF:  We are thrilled to share the article below with you because parkour can indeed help troubled youth around the world.  We want to take this moment to also give a special acknowledgement to the work that 501c3 Non-profit organization, the International Parkour Federation, IPF, is doing globally to help with its “Peace Through Parkour” Global Education … Read More

Joe Zgheib- Beirut, Lebanon

adminMENA, Sponsored Athletes2 Comments

Hi, I’m Jo Zgheib. I was born in Lebanon in 1989. Growing up, I did wushu Kung Fu and was so inspired and affected by the legendary Jackie Chan that I started imitating his stunt moves. Then I started to see Parkour in the movies and in videos and it took all my attention and time! Downloading tutorials and training for … Read More