Parkour Academy, a ‘Business-In-A-Box’

Sam ParhamUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Easy and effective for busy gym owners: 

The WFPF Parkour Academy is quite literally a ‘Business-In-A-Box.

“The next best thing to bring to your gym”.

Whether you own a gym that already runs Parkour classes, or perhaps currently just Gymnastics classes and are considering options of Ninja or Parkour.

Perhaps you don’t currently own a gym but have aspirations of setting one of your own up.

The WFPF Parkour Academy provides the tried and tested system to optimize your business.

Key Components

So lets look at the Key Components and how they can integrate into any pre existing system.

  • Monthly Lesson Plans
    • Every month, Academy owners are provided 4 weekly Lesson Plans applicable to ALL age groups from ‘Parent and Me’ to ‘Adults’.
      These Lesson plans can either be used from scratch, so that coaches don’t need to make any changes.
      Or coaches can add/implement parts of the lesson plans into their own lesson plans for customization.
  • 8 Level Curriculum
    • The 8 Level curriculum is arguably the most comprehensive movement curriculum in the industry. There is NO age drop off or restriction, and this program can take students from beginner level all the way the ‘Black Band Level 8’.
      The Curriculum incorporates Parkour Movements from Vaults to Wall Moves, right through to Ninja elements.
  • Wrist Band Levels
    • Each Curriculum level is defined by a coloured Wrist Band system. This allows parents and students to clearly see their progression through the levels as they ‘earn’ their next colour wrist-band at evaluations.
      Another great money earner for the gym, and a fantastic monthly evaluation opportunity event for the students!
  • Monthly Themed Posters
    • The Parkidz and Ninjas Themed Posters bring the fun and ‘stickyness’ to the Academy for all the younger students. Each month has a special theme, aswell as challenges and thoughts for the month.
  • Membership Management
    • The academy has an entire back end database where coaches and gym owners can input all of their students, aswell as select the student level, and membership details for safe-keeping and registered monitoring.
      The students can even have their own login to do their individual self evaluations that can be reviewed by the coaches ahead of any grading days.
  • Ready To Go System
    • The WFPF Parkour Academy Curriculum can be taught in any gym setting. We also have VERY cost effective options for easy to utilize and implement Parkour Equipment if preferred.

 Every component is a ‘Plug in & Play’ piece, which is all easily implemented into any model as preferred.

This outlines only a few of the many Components that make the WFPF Parkour Academy so comprehensive but easy to use.
General WFPF Parkour Academy Overview.

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