Connor Stringer

adminSponsored Athletes, Western EuropeLeave a Comment

My name is Connor Stringer and I’ve been training for 7Connor Stringer Headshot years now. I started freerunning to get off the streets and to be a better person within myself but I had no idea the kind of friends I would make, or the kind of opportunities it would bring.

I heard of a freerunning class in my area, not knowing what it was I checked it out, It was just what I needed, a sport that I can finally improve myself with.

After that first class I started going every week and never stopped, I’m now a professional freerunner earning my full time wage and paying the bills with being upside down!  Connor Stringer Performance Troop

I never give up, I have an insane amount of passion and drive to pursue my dreams and to make everything possible. I want to make each and every moment count no matter how big or small!

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