Camila Stefaniu Ribeiro

WFPFLady WFPF, South America, Sponsored Athletes, World Cup 2018 AthletesLeave a Comment

Freerunning Athlete Camila Stefaniu RibeiroHi! My name is Camila Stefaniu Ribeiro, im 15 years old and i’ve been training parkour for 6 years.

Im from a small city in the south of Brazil, called Cornélio Procópio, state. Paraná. Also I started to train parkour when i was 8 years old, with my brother and a little group of friends. Along the years i saw many people giving up the trainings and going to others cities to live, on 2016 i started to train totally alone on streets and squares in the city.

The movement always is a part of my life, and im always motivated by a dream, to can train and share experiences along the world. On my way i deal everytime with many problems, and parkour was saving me every single day, the things that this awesome practice purpose to me and everyone i had the oportunite to know, changed my life extremely, and i can certainly say, i dont practice parkour, a live that.

I think this partnership with wfpf can now and in the future, give me more experience with the practice and help me to continue doing what i love.

The parkour in Brazil still needs to grow a lot, and i was trying to represent that awesome communite who doesn’t have many support in the country.

Currently, im a student and member of Fusion Freerunning group, on april 2017 i went to jump off Vegas by Wfpf, who i won the 1st place on freestyle and 2nd on speed, and recently i went to Sweden to represent Brazil on Air Wipp challenge.

Im a person who always tries to give my best on everything i do, and i also tries to get better everyday, i love to help and speak about life, trainings and experiences, already i try to reconcile my body and my mind as one, and i think thats the point i most love in parkour, discover my capacities, understand me more, and it gave me many friends, i can use it always to transmit what I’m feeling and what i live and that sets me free in my routine.

Camila Stefaniu Ribeiro Parkour Athlete

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