Chris Bogdanski Shore

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My name is Chris Bogdanski Shore. I was born and raised in Huntsville Alabama and moved to Florida in 2013.  I just moved to Los Angeles in the summer of 2019!!  I have always been an athlete (U.S. representative for wrestling in Australia in 2012).  I also was a semi pro video game player during high school (COD & Halo) but as I got older I began to channel all of my passion into coaching and practicing Parkour/Freerunning.

Here is a short Vlog so you can hear me speak and see what I look like!  At the time I was living in Florida but as I said above, I now live in Los Angeles:

And here is my 2019 stunt reel!


I became WFPF Level 1-2 certified to Coach Parkour in 2013, and this last year I became one of only a handful of WFPF Master Trainers around the world.  As a master trainer I am qualified to now run and teach WFPF Parkour Instructor certifications to certify teachers to teach parkour.  My goal continues to be to use the sport of parkour to inspire the youth of today to channel their energies into being active and dedicated to their goals to make a better future for themselves and the world.  I also love carpentry and I build all my own furniture as well as my Parkour equipment and obstacles.  I am the official course builder for WFPF’s annual USA Parkour Cup which is held annually in Tampa, Florida.   One of my favorite pastimes is Cosplay, and you never know what color my hair is going to be to match one of my costumes! In 2016 I finished in the top 10 at the WFPF Parkour Pro-Am Championship at the Mandalay Bay and in 2017 I also finished in the top 10 at WFPF “Jump Off” Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas!   In the spring of 2018 I was by invited by WFPF to attend and speak at the their Parkour “Growth Summit” in New York City, held at the prestigious “Player’s Club”.  Here is my final run for the 2017 “Jump Off” followed by some of the highlights from the Las Vegas competition in 2016:

You can’t recognize me here (in my Spidey costume!) but in my free time I go to Children’s Hospital with my fiancee Yessenia Cossio (Wonder Woman!) and try to make the kids happy!  I don’t have words to describe how amazing it feels to see someone’s eyes light up and a smile to their face. Happiness can give you more strength but true strength is to give back and bring happiness to others in the world.


In 2017, when the hair was blue!

Out on the town and all dressed up in Florida (left) and at the WFPF Parkour “Growth Summit” New York City at the prestigious “Player’s Club”!

Kicking up some dust, parkour style!

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