WFPF Speaks with GUP (Galizian Urban Project) athlete Sergio about VIGO STREET STUNTS coming up July 8-10, 2016 in Vigo, Spain!!

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WFPF Speaks about VIGO STREET STUNTS coming up July 8-10, 2016 in Vigo, Spain!!

Feature Interview


Sergio Cora Campos of GUP (Galizian Urban Project)

Vigo Street Stunts PosterEvery time one turns around there are new and exciting things happening in the world of Parkour!  One of those is a festival of movement which had its inaugural year in 2015 and is coming back for the second time the summer of 2016 (July 8-10) in the beautiful coastal city of Vigo, Spain, this year sanctioned by IPF- International Parkour Federation and sponsored by WFPF- The World Freerunning Parkour Federation!  It’s called VIGO STREET STUNTS, and the visionary organizers and participants of this event are helping to make their mark on Parkour and many other kinds of movement as well.   Vigo Street Stunts Crowd Enjoying the Day! photo by Antia Mendez

On the Vigo Street Stunts website, they describe the three days of sporting events and exhibitions this way:  “It´s a new way of viewing competitive sports, where the body and the passion are the vital elements. 40 international champions will fight in Vigo for the world championship in 4 extreme modalities. There will also be European, Galician and amateur competitions. 12 hours of daily competitions, music and specially extreme sports where everyone is welcome to participate.”

With 12,000 €uros in prizes, Vigo Street Stunts has moved into the upper echelon of sporting events featuring Parkour who recognize the talent and passion brought to the sport by Parkour practitioners and is drawing top talent to come and compete.  Besides exhibitions and workshops, Vigo Street Stunts combines athletes from disciplines to compete in Parkour, Slackline, street workout, and rock climbing.  WFPF interviewed Sergio Cora Campos of GUP (Galizian Urban Project) about Vigo Street Stunts and his involvement.


WFPF–  What is Vigo Street Stunts?

Sergio–  Vigo Street Stunts is a multidisciplinary event that is looking to become a referent and is also looking to highlight the maximum physical qualities that people are able to achieve when they train hard.

WFPF–    How many years has it been in existence?

Sergio–  This year is the second edition, but considering the success of last years event, and the expectations for this year, we think it will last for many many years.

WFPF–    How did Vigo Street Stunts develop and how did you and GUP get involved?

Sergio–  The event has been an idea of the Marketing Agency “Ideas de Percebe”. Last year, they contacted us (GUP), and from there we started to develop all the project together. Our first year was a great success especially due to their dedication and their incredible effort in finding sponsors.

WFPF–  What are your goals and mission for the Vigo Street Stunts?

Sergio–  Our goal is to show that the region of Galicia is doing great things and that there are athletes that, on top of practicing Street Stunts on a high level, they also are able to organize an event as big as this one is.  Our mission is to entertain everyone going to the event and to interest people to practice these disciplines.

WFPF–  Tell us a little about your background and how you became involved with Parkour and then with GUP?

Sergio–  I started with Parkour more than 10 years ago, simply as a hobby and trying to start from ignorance. After that, we met few friends that we used to practice and we decided to put a name to our group.

With the time and the experience, GUP has become an indispensable part of our life and profession, but always keeping our essence from when we were children 10 years ago.

WFPF–  What is your favorite part about Vigo Street Stunts?

Sergio–  No doubt I stay with the experience of moments shared with people and the fun of being all together living those days, all the rest is coming on its own.

WFPF–  What are the plans for Vigo Street Stunts in the future?

Sergio–  We hope, with happiness, to keep the same line of growth and to achieve an even more important position in the world of the urban sports. We also hope to get deeper into the other modalities of the event and who knows, to include some more.

WFPF–  What are your personal plans for Parkour for the future?

Sergio–  Just to keep the same line, working hard everyday with GUP in our projects and videos, to progress in our training and in our presence in our social networks. Like this we are trying to help people to learn through workshops.

Night view of the course. Photo by Antia Mendez

Night view of the course. Photo by Antia Mendez

WFPF–  Who will be coming to participate in Vigo Street Stunts in the Parkour division this year?

Sergio–  Everyone knows the majority of the participants. In Vigo will be some athletes like Jesse Peveril, Bart, Dominic, Pedro Salgado, Kamil and many more!!

WFPF–  What are some of the exciting things that you think are happening globally in the world of Parkour?

Sergio–  Everything is constantly evolving, it is incredible to see how different events, classes, TV coverage or even presence of Parkour in cinema is progressing.

It is also remarkable how the clothing brands of parkour groups are moving along trying to subsist with their favorite activity and with the support of the people that like it or that practices it. There are many opportunities in this moment and I think it is good for the diffusion of the community.  Sergio Campos - photo by Kie Willis

WFPF–  How can athletes from around the world participate in Vigo Street Stunts 2016 or in the future?

Sergio–  We have two ways of getting into the competition. One of them is through an online qualifier, by sending a video with a duration of 90 seconds with the best you can show.

The other is through an onsite competition, through a qualifier together with other athletes in Vigo, at the event.

WFPF:  Thank you so much for your time Sergio!  We are so excited about this years event!

Sergio:  Thank you so much for your time!  We are very excited!

WFPF and IPF look forward to a growing involvement with Vigo Street Sports in the years to come!  Good luck to all the participants this year!!

THE DATES:  July 8-10, 2016 in Vigo, Spain

INFORMATION: (In Spanish) (In English)  (Facebook)

To find out more about Sergio Cora Campos of GUP:

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