The 7 Best Parkour Locations in the World

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Parkour lovers love a challenge. Setting new goals, improving their skills, and exploring the limits of their bodies is a must. Also, the creative side of each person doing parkour needs to be strong and needs to have the opportunity to shine. This is exactly why every parkour lover should try out different locations for their training and practices.

Since parkour is both a physical and mental discipline, changing your location will bring immense benefits. You’ll see improvements in your focus, determination, and physical ability. If you’re looking for inspiring parkour locations, look no more. Here’s a list of 7 best parkour locations in the world that you should check out if you have the chance.

Let’s dig in.

1.     Spot Real, Lisboa

Portugal is a parkour-friendly country, and Lisboa is a fantastic place to go to when you want to improve your skills and connect with other parkour practitioners.

Spot Real is a parkour and freerun academy in Lisboa that welcomes anyone who is:

  • interested in parkour
  • practicing parkour
  • looking for a place to learn or improve
  • willing to share their skills and knowledge

It’s a place that every parkour lover should visit to get inspired and creative.

2.     Freeway Park, Seattle

Another great location that gathers parkour practitioners and provides the perfect space for practicing and showing off your skills is the Freeway Park in Seattle, Washington.

This park is designed for creative freerun activities and parkour thanks to the:

  • maze-like structure
  • stone staircases and platforms
  • endless opportunities for jumps, tricks & acrobatics

One look at the architecture of the park will let you know why it’s perfect for anyone practicing parkour and looking for a fun and inspiring destination to train in. If you ever have the chance, go ahead and check it out.

3.     Ala Moana Beach, Honolulu

One of the biggest misconceptions about parkour s that it can only be practiced in urban city areas. Ala Moana Beach Park in Honolulu beats the misconception being one of the world’s best outdoor spaces for practicing parkour.

The park provides:

  • sand, grass, and water areas to practice in
  • numerous natural obstacles
  • things to jump over and off of
  • beautiful scenery and nature

This park will give you the opportunity to explore and enjoy doing parkour like never before. You’ll also run into other parkour practitioners and potentially make some friends while you’re there.

4.     Central Park, New York

One of the most popular landmarks of New York, Central Park, is one of the greatest destinations for practicing parkour and working on those new skills.

Central Park is great for Parkour because it’s versatile and offers all kinds of spaces to practice on:

  • different terrains
  • trees
  • rocks
  • playgrounds
  • open spaces
  • obstacles

You can get really creative and practice in Central Park for days, without repeating the same routine ever.

The only downside is that it can get a bit crowded at times, so try finding a time of day or a location within the park that isn’t as crowded as the rest.

5.     Ueno Park, Tokyo

Parkour has taken over the entire world and has reached as far as Asia. If you’re looking for a parkour location somewhere on the Asian continent, you might find it in Tokyo.

Ueno Park in Tokyo, Japan, is worth visiting for so many reasons. For traceurs and parkour enthusiasts, these are the best qualities of the park:

  • it’s spacious
  • it allows exploration
  • it has a historic value you can learn about
  • beautiful nature, especially during the blossom season

Ueno Park is a truly wonderful place for traceurs to get together and learn from one another. Make sure to check it out if you ever get the chance.

6.     Paris

As you may know, parkour originates from Paris and the city is filled with locations you can check out and practice parkour at.

This is exactly why we haven’t chosen one specific location. They’re all so close to one another it would be a shame not to visit them all.

Here are our top picks for parkour locations in Paris:

  • Les Catacombes de Paris
  • Bercy
  • Olympiads
  • Bobigny

“If you’re a true parkour enthusiast and in love with this discipline like we are, you need to go to Paris at least once to pay tribute to the city it originated from,”- says Estelle Leotard, a writer at Studicus.

While you’re there, go ahead and visit all the amazing spots we’ve listed.

7.     Century Gardens, Canada

Finally, there’s one last destination on our list that you can pay a visit if you ever find yourself in Canada.

Century Gardens is a park that is said to be perfect for parkour and those traceurs looking for a challenge.

It’s filled with concrete blocks, cement hills, and strange formations that you can jump from or over.

The park will give you the terrain you’re looking for, for showing off your best parkour skills.

Spread The Word

Another beautiful side of parkour, apart from positively influencing your physical and mental health, is that it connects different people from all over the globe.

This is exactly why you’re here, reading about new locations you could explore.

For that reason, we ask you to share your favorite place for practicing parkour and invite other traceurs to join you.

Final Thoughts

Practicing parkour is great for sharpening your mind and making your body stronger. Set higher goals and push yourself to your limits. Exploring fun destinations and staying connected to other traceurs will help you keep improving and working on self-development.

The locations listed above are great for self-exploration and broadening your horizons. But remember, it’s not the location that determines the quality of a traceur, it’s his passion for parkour.

About the Author:

Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Now she works as a freelance writer at WoWgrade and GrabMyEssay. Kristin also does some editing work and provides help with ‘write my paper‘ requests.




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