If you havent checked it, take a look!
Afrika Adventure
This was taken in Senegal on Coast of Dakar. It was a beautiful evening with an amazing sunset!
How I managed my Tendinitis
About 4-5 months ago I was experiencing patella tendinitis, which can be a common issue with Freerunning due to all the impact. Basically it’s when your muscles can take the impact but your tendons can’t. This makes your tendons sore as they are taking more strain than they are used to. You can read more about Tendinitis at its Wikipedia … Read More
Sunset over my Hometown!
WFPF Note: We got this epic photo submitted to the Sponsored Athlete Media feed, and we felt is was so good we wanted it on the frontpage! You can get the shirt Marcus is wearing at the KO Store. Colorful sunset over Beccles (Click for larger image) So after work, Ryan and I decided to train a bit. After some filming … Read More
There’s a huge risk in life….
The quote I used in my latest video is actually a quote I have used to motivate me most of my life! Here is the full quote: “Life is a risk, there’s a huge risk in life, the biggest risk in life is that you waste it. Is that you will be 80 years old and wishing you had done … Read More
Daniel Arroyo has been Killing the Game
If you haven’t seen this video of him in Miami with RJ and Brad Short at the Intensity parkour gym then go check it out now!
Newest Video – TJ Coughlin
The most recent video from my youtube channel. This video was meant to show that I enjoy every single moment of my life and never take it for granted. It is also dedicated to my neighbor who passed away after her battle with breast cancer. R.I.P. Norma Chmielewski <3 -TJ