Ways to Prevent and Treat Parkour Injuries

Sam ParhamWFPF SpeaksLeave a Comment

  Image Source: Unsplash Ways to Prevent and Treat Parkour Injuries [A note from WFPF: A great way to help prevent injuries to to become certified as a Parkour teacher by WFPF! For more info go to: https://wfpf.com/in-person-events/ and https://wfpf.com/services/coachingjudging/ or both, for in-person (since 2012) and online (since 2020) Parkour instructor certifications because… Safety first!!} Over the years, parkour has … Read More

How Parkour Training Can Save Your Life

Sam ParhamWFPF SpeaksLeave a Comment

Parkour is a fast-growing practice in this century; however, for something growing this fast, very little information is known about Parkour. You can describe Parkour as a logical and creative movement through a typically urban setup from point A to B as quickly as possible. Involved is the overcoming of physical barriers on any route while creating practical and inventive … Read More