Krisnara Almeida- BRAZIL

David ThompsonLady WFPF, South America1 Comment

Hi, I’m Krisnara, 28. I’m from Natal, Rio Grande Do Norte, northeastern of Brazil. It’s been a year since I became a  pediatrician and 5 years that I’ve been training Parkour and Freerunning.  I began to train when I was at the Medical School, so since the beginning I had to deal with timing to put together the two things that I love. Since I’m so busy with my work responsibilities, this has been difficult lately!  When I was a child I’ve been into swimming, ballet, gymnastics, karate. The gymnastics made a positive print on my life, but I had to stop it almost 17 years ago. To know Parkour and Freerunning brought me similar feelings and memories. I love the freedom that its practice has, the overcome every training section, not only physical obstacles but specially mental ones. And this is the most incredible part, because it has been changing me. Changes that I see on my daily routine, when not practicing too. Besides being a refuge from problems and concerns, I can feel life and the strength I get in every single movement, and I can see that I’m capable of going beyond of what I used to believe.



I’m thankful for being a part of this, for give myself this opportunity to train, travel, to visit new places, make new friends and exchange experiences around the world. I’ve met wonderful people, that support each other in every victory and have a beautiful energy. Since the beginning I’m used to train with boys, there are few girls that practice where I live. So, to be here and to be part of WFPF is wonderful and makes me take it as an inspiration to the girls, besides inspire myself to keep doing what I love.

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