Fise Parkour Competition Hiroshima

Sam ParhamWFPF SpeaksLeave a Comment

This past weekend saw the Parkour Competition in Hiroshima hosted by FISE.

There was a number of International athletes at the event most notably from Europe.

The results for the top 3 places in Speed and Freestyle can be seen below.

Congratulations to all of the winners!


Mens Freestyle:

1st Dimitrios Kyrsanides

2nd Johan Tonnoir

3rd Evgenii Aroian

Women’s Freestyle:

1st Aleksandra Shevchenko

2nd Hikari Izumi

3rd Saskia Neville

Men’s Speed:

1st Chris Harmat

2nd Dimitrios Kyrsanides

3rd Kevin Alsemgeest

Women’s Speed

1st Hikari Izumi

2nd Saskia Neville

3rd Aleksandra Shevchenko


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