Calen Chan

WFPFManagement, WFPF Athletes, World Cup 2018 Athletes1 Comment

Calen Chan headshotCalen has taken the FreeRunning world by storm in the past few years.
Placing in Major competitions from Las Vegas to Greece, Calen has very quickly become known for pushing the boundaries, creating new movements and skills that were previously never even thought possible.


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Calen has travelled the globe performing live shows, and is a consistent Viral hit for his videos on YouTube / Facebook and Instagram.  Most definitely one to watch, Calen is an absolute rising star, and we are incredibly excited to see what the future has in store for this unbelievable athlete.


Calen Chan desert flip

One Comment on “Calen Chan”

  1. Hi I am a High school student at West Clermont High school in Cincinnati, OH. I am doing a research paper on parkour and I was wandering if i could conduct a interview, preferably over the phone just to ask a few questions on how parkour has effected your life, if you are to busy for a call that is fine just send me an email and we can conduct it that way.

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