Beth Holland

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My name is Beth Holland, I am 20 years old, from Bournemouth, UK and have been practicing parkour for almost two years now. Before I discovered parkour, I trained as a competitive cheerleader for my local all-star team. It was here that my love for tumbling grew. Every week we would attend an open gym nearby, also training here were a group of guys who told me they practiced parkour. I had never heard of the sport, but the way in which they moved so creatively across the gym equipment captivated me, and I knew that I needed to give it a try!

From there I started training outdoors and in the gym with other local practitioners in Bournemouth, one of which became my coach and my partner, Alex Evans. It was through Alex that I discovered how totally addictive parkour could be! Parkour was so different to the strict rules of cheerleading, and I loved how because of this, I could really be myself in the sport. I could move in creative ways, push mental boundaries, build strength and practice almost anywhere!

Over the past year and a half parkour has opened so many amazing new doors for me and has entirely changed my outlook on life. I feel I have progressed so much both physically and mentally, as well as had the opportunity to meet so many incredible likeminded people. I am now working hard to develop my skills and hope that one day I will be able to turn my passion into a career.

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