Tania Molina Rojo

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Parkour Athlete Tania Molina Rojo

Tania Molina Rojo Headshot

My name is Tania Molina Rojo, I am a 26 year old Dentist Surgeon. I practice karate, I’m a traceuse, and I live in Tijuana Mexico. I’ve practiced parkour for a year and a half and martial arts for 11 years (specializing in karate).

When I started Parkour I thought it was a very interesting discipline, but since I started giving more of my time to training, it has become part of my life. I have learned a lot about facing my fears, physically and emotionally.

Thanks to parkour I’ve become a more confident person, and all of my daily-life obstacles have become fun. Life problems for me are obstacles and challenges. Most of all I want to show the world that women can accomplish amazing things–that’s my goal more than anything.

What I like is that it is more than a discipline, it is something fun and progressive. This is what makes it more entertaining. Among many other things, I have gained a strengthened body, mind, and spirit which makes me feel enlightened.

You can see Tania is the following videos!


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