A Letter for Tosia

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WFPF NOTE: This is a letter to the community from James Gallion. We’ve decided to frontpage this to bring attention to his cause.

Dear Friends,

My name is James Blake Gallion but people call me “Rooster”.  I have Cerebral Palsy.  I was never supposed to walk.  Not only did I learn to walk, but now I also do Parkour!  I am an affiliate athlete of the WFPF (World Freerunning Parkour Federation).  Several months ago the WFPF reached out to me and told me about Tosia, a little girl from Canada who also has Cerebral Palsy and who could not walk.  I was instantly excited at the thought that maybe I could do something to help her out.  In the spirit of “paying it forward” I put together, with the support of the WFPF and Parkour athletes Kenny Chamberlin from Texas and Johnny Korthuis from Canada, a Parkour fundraiser event to help raise money for the surgeries that Tosia needs.

I want to share a short documentary video about myself and maybe you can understand after seeing my story, why I just had to try to help Tosia.

We have also put up this fundraiser page to spread the word about Tosia. 

It has been quite a journey with a lot of twists and turns and we still have not raised all the money needed to help Tosia and her family pay their medical bills and get her final surgery that she needs to be able to start to live a normal life.  It would be so helpful for Tosia if we could get this message out through the Parkour community, friends, family, and the media.  I would appreciate everyone’s help to help me pay it forward, so please share this story, tweet it, and email the link to your family and friends and let’s see what we can all do together.

Thank you!

Kind regards,

“Rooster” aka James Blake Gallion

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