“Welcome to Kaizen Parkour, South Africa- the first WFPF Sponsored Team! WFPF sponsored teams are by invitation only and are Parkour teams who are truly trying to make a difference in the Parkour community. Congratulations Kaizen Parkour!”
As Kaizen Parkour our short term goal is to tour South Africa, the main objective of the tour is to raise awareness in schools & impoverished communities by teaching and performing in front of the youth. We are using Parkour & Free Running to inspire each and every person we come across.. Video footage of the tour will go a long way in promoting the sport in areas we might not be able to reach.
The tour will inspire a lot more youth & give them a new fun activity that promotes both mental & physical fitness. It will keep them busy and less open to the temptations of drug & alcohol abuse, premarital sex & violence which are very common in the communities we live in.
We have been giving weekend Parkour classes to some of the kids in our community & surrounding areas since January 2016. The problems we face are that we do not have proper training facilities in a fixed location. We also have not yet built enough of a public awareness about our team to encourage all parents to entrust us with teaching their kids a sport that is relatively unknown to them – hence the tour. Success of the tour will also enable us to start working towards our three year plan which involves building and owning a parkour training facility. In the next five years, we hope that through our efforts, Parkour can be accepted and recognized by the general population and we can continue to help the children of South Africa by doing more tours and also by teaching in our own Parkour facility.
Kaizen Parkour is grateful for the support and mentoring of IPF- International Parkour Federation ( www.InternationalParkourFederation.com ) and proud to be the first WFPF Sponsored TEAM!
Respectively Yours,
Kaizen Parkour- South Africa
Members: Mike Ice, Silus Reed, Gilbert Ndovie, Simon Jnr Ndovie, and Solomon Saul
South Africa – Kaizen Parkour’s “Help the Children Through Parkour!” Fundraiser- WFPF/IPF
Kaizen Parkour’s Facebook page (Make sure to follow them!)