Get Certified to Teach Parkour!
The WFPF Teacher Training Certification is the gold standard for parkour instructor training in the U.S. and Canada (over 500 individuals trained and certified to date) and is required to obtain parkour member insurance, available through WFPF sister company, USA Parkour.
Here are our upcoming certifications:
May 27th (Fri) – 29th (Sun)
GCA Parkour & Freerunning
85 Mill Plain Road
Fairfield, CT 06824
Day 1- 27th: 3:00pm-6:00pm (30 min. break) 6:30pm-9:45pm ” “Meet & greet / physical assessment- Level 1”
Day 2- 28th: 3:00pm-6:00pm (30 min. break) 6:30pm-9:30pm “Level 2”
Day 3- 29th: 10:00am-1:00pm (30 min.break) 1:30pm-4:30pm “Testing”
June 10th (Fri) – 13th (Mon)
Aerials Gymnastics
3536 Hartsel dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Friday 10th: 7:00pm-10:00pm “Meet & Greet/Physical Assessment
Saturday 11th: 9:00am-noon ( break ) 1:00pm-4:00pm “Level 1”
Sunday 12th: 9:00am-noon ( break ) 1:00pm-4:00pm “Level 2”
Monday 13th: 9:00am-noon ( break ) 1:00pm-4:00pm “Testing”
June 16th (Thu) – 19th (Sun)
Troy Gymnastics/Ninja Training Ground
1600 West Maple rd.
Troy, MI 48084
Day 1- 16th: 7:30pm-10:30pm “Meet & greet / physical assessment”
Day 2- 17th: 9:00am-noon (1 hr break) 1:00pm-4:00pm “Level 1”
Day 3- 18th: 1:00pm-4:00pm (1 hr break) 5:00pm-8:00pm “Level 2”
Day 4- 19th: 1:00pm-4:00pm (1 hr break) 5:00pm-8:00pm “Testing”
One Comment on “Upcoming Parkour Certifications”
Hi there,
I was wondering if you were going to be hosting a certification course in western Canada soon?
I would love to be in further contact if you were looking for a host gym in Canada. I am very interested in becoming a certified parkour coach.
Warm regards, Leila
Horizon Gymnastics Club
16417 117 Ave NW
Edmonton AB T5M 3V3